
Eye surgeon in London for Cataract and Glaucoma Treatments



People can often get confused about the different types of eye doctors and what they do. If someone starts to experience issues with their sight, they will obviously be worried and will want to seek out the best help available, so it can be helpful to understand the difference between eye doctor highpoint nc and their specialisms and how each one can help them with their vision issues.


The most commonly seen eye doctor blackstone va are optometrists and ophthalmologists, such as specialist eye surgeon Mr Saurabh Goyal, who is a Consultant Eye Surgeon based at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. But what exactly does each doctor specialise in? Here is a brief explanation of their practice.

The first thing to realise is that all eye doctors can work together and in most cases, a team approach is always best to help patients manage their cataracts surgery overland park ks and their long term care.

What is an optometrist?

Optometrists study for three years at university to gain a GOC-approved degree in optometry. To practice, they need to be registered with the General Optical Council (GOC). The GOC is the profession’s regulatory body.

Optometrists take care of your primary health care needs for your eyes. They are who you see when you visit your opticians for your regular eye tests. 

Their eye services include:

  • Manage treatments for dry eye and glaucoma
  • Monitor eye conditions related to diseases like diabetes 
  • Performing eye health examinations and vision tests
  • Prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses

Optometrists and ophthalmologists will often work together to take care of your ongoing eye health and manage any treatments you have been prescribed.

For your regular eye care, you may wish to start with an optometrist, but they may refer you to an ophthalmologist for further treatment for any eye health conditions they discover. 

If your regular optician thinks you need specialist treatment or surgery for cataracts, glaucoma or another eye disease, they will refer you to a specialist ophthalmologist, such as Mr Goyal.

What is an ophthalmologist?

Ophthalmologists start out by completing five years at medical school which leads to a degree in medicine. Following on from that they spend two years as a newly-qualified doctor to gain hands-on experience. This is then followed by seven years of Ophthalmic Specialist Training (OST).

The eye care services they offer patients include:

  • Comprehensive vision services, including eye examinations
  • Medical eye care to treat and manage conditions like glaucoma, iritis, and chemical burns
  • Surgical eye care to treat eye trauma, cataracts, glaucoma, and associated problems

Eye Surgeon in London

Mr Saurabh Goyal is a Consultant Eye Surgeon in London and Kent, based at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. As a specialist in glaucoma and cataract surgery, with expertise in all aspects of glaucoma treatment including laser treatment and surgery, he is here to help you diagnose, treat and manage your eye conditions to help reduce sight loss and prevent blindness. 

Private consultations are available with Mr Goyal at the BMI Blackheath Hospital, Kent and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. If you have been put on a waiting list for specialist treatments and don’t want to wait any longer to get the help you need to prevent your sight from deteriorating any further, then do not hesitate to contact Mr Goyal and his dedicated team to discuss your needs.