
What Is the Men’s Average Penis Size and Does It Matter?


Average Penis Size

Research and Statistics

Studies and Measurements:

A comprehensive study published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) in 2015 analyzed data from 15,521 men. The results found that the average erect penis length is about 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) and the average erect girth is about 11.66 cm (4.59 inches).

The average flaccid length was found to be 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) and the average flaccid girth was 9.31 cm (3.66 inches).


Penis size can vary widely among individuals, and there is a broad range of what is considered “normal.” Factors such as age, genetics, and overall health can influence size.

Does the Size Matter?

Physical Satisfaction

Sexual Satisfaction:

Does the size matter for a woman? Studies suggest that while some individuals might have preferences regarding size, other factors such as emotional connection, technique, and communication play a more significant role in sexual satisfaction.

The clitoris, which is a key component of female sexual pleasure, is primarily external and not necessarily dependent on the size of the penis for stimulation.

Comfort and Compatibility:

For some women, larger sizes may cause discomfort, while others might find it more satisfying. Conversely, a smaller penis may be preferred for comfort or due to a partner’s specific sexual preferences.

Emotional and Psychological Aspects

Confidence and Self-Esteem:

A man’s confidence and how he perceives his body can significantly impact his sexual performance and overall relationship satisfaction. Confidence and comfort with one’s body can often be more attractive than physical attributes alone.

Emotional Intimacy:

Emotional connection, mutual respect, and effective communication often contribute more to relationship satisfaction than physical characteristics.

Societal and Cultural Influences

Media and Cultural Norms:

Cultural standards and media representations can influence perceptions of desirability and self-worth. These influences do not always reflect individual preferences or the realities of sexual relationships.

Stereotypes and Peer Pressure:

Stereotypes and societal pressures can create unrealistic expectations and insecurities. Open and honest communication with partners can help dispel myths and focus on what truly matters in a relationship.

The average penis size is approximately 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) in length and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) in girth when erect. While size can play a role in sexual satisfaction for some individuals, it is typically not the most critical factor in a fulfilling sexual relationship. Emotional connection, communication, mutual respect, and understanding each other’s needs and preferences usually have a more significant impact on relationship satisfaction.

Does possible to increase the penis size?

The desire to increase penis size is common, but it’s important to approach this topic with caution. Here’s an overview of various methods and their effectiveness:

Natural Methods

Exercise and Lifestyle Changes:

Weight Loss: Losing excess weight, particularly around the abdomen, can make the penis appear larger, as more of it becomes visible.

Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can improve blood flow, which can enhance erectile function but not necessarily increase size.

Penis Exercises:

Effectiveness: Jelqing involves manual stretching exercises, but there is limited scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Additionally, improper technique can lead to injury, such as bruising, pain, or fibrosis.

Mechanical Devices

Effectiveness: Some studies suggest that using penis extenders over a prolonged period may result in modest length increases. These devices work by applying gentle, consistent traction to the penis.

Risks: Potential risks include discomfort, bruising, and injury if not used correctly.

Effectiveness: Vacuum pumps can temporarily increase penis size by drawing blood into the penis, creating an erection. They are often used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Risks: Overuse can cause damage to penile tissue, leading to bruising or other injuries.

Penile Implants:

Effectiveness: Surgical options include penile implants and other procedures that can increase length or girth. These are typically reserved for cases of severe erectile dysfunction or congenital conditions.

Risks: Surgery carries significant risks, including infection, scarring, loss of sensation, and complications related to anesthesia.

Ligament Release Surgery:

Effectiveness: This procedure involves cutting the suspensory ligament to allow the penis to hang lower, appearing longer. It does not increase actual penile length.

Risks: Risks include scarring, infection, and changes in the angle of erection. The results may be unsatisfactory, and there is a risk of losing length if the ligament attaches incorrectly.

Topical and Oral Treatments

Pills and Supplements:

Effectiveness: There is no scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of pills or supplements for increasing penis size. Many such products make false claims and can be harmful.

Risks: These products can contain unknown or harmful ingredients, leading to health risks.

Topical Creams and Lotions:

Effectiveness: Similar to pills, topical treatments lack scientific backing and are generally ineffective.

Risks: They may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Psychological and Emotional Considerations

Body Image and Confidence:

Working on self-esteem and body image through therapy or counseling can be more beneficial than attempting physical changes. Many men find that their concerns about size are alleviated by understanding that sexual satisfaction often depends more on emotional connection and technique.

Partner Communication:

Open and honest communication with a partner about sexual preferences and concerns can improve sexual satisfaction and reduce anxiety about size.

There are various methods marketed to increase penis size, but many lack scientific backing and can pose significant risks. Natural methods, like maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can improve overall sexual health but do not significantly increase size. Mechanical devices and surgical options carry potential risks and should be considered with caution. It’s often more beneficial to focus on improving sexual techniques, and communication, and addressing any underlying self-esteem or body image issues.