
Exercise motivation in winter


Getting out from underneath your warm covers can be hard in winter, especially when trying to find the motivation to exercise in colder months.

The benefits of exercise

There are many reasons we exercise; it reduces the risk factor for a range of diseases. These diseases include, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers and osteoporosis.

Here are some short-term benefits of regular exercise:

  • Increase your metabolism
  • Increase in energy
  • Stress relief
  • Increase in ability to sleep
  • Healthier bones, joints and muscles
  • Increase your endurance levels.

Tips for staying fit in winter

  1. Warm-up your body

There are precautions that should be taken when working out in the winter months. One of the most important tips for cooler month workouts is increasing your warm-up time.

It is important that all your muscles, tendons and ligaments are warmed-up before you start training as

cold body parts can lead to joint strain or muscle sprains. If you are planning on going for a run, first try a warm-up jog to help loosen those muscles.

Increase your warm-up time to at least double in winter. This will create blood flow, which will improve your mobility. Additionally, it will cause less stress on your heart.


  1. Keep hydrated

It might be winter, but hydration is still an important part of any exercise.

To get the most out of your winter workout, remember to hydrate before and after.

ATP Science recommends water and healthy sports drinks as the best options.


  1. Have a fitness goal

The best way to fight through the winter fatigue is to have a fitness goal.

Experts agree that at the very least, a workout must be moderately intense and done regularly.

With a workout being at least 30 minutes in total, it is important to stay active.

ATP Science recommend contacting a professional to create an exercise plan if you are having trouble with creating a goal.


  1. Phone a friend

In winter, it can be hard to keep yourself accountable to those fitness goals.

One way to keep motivated is to find a workout buddy to

help you stay on track with your fitness goals.


  1. Invest in winter workout wear

A great way to keep up with your winter workout goals is to have workout gear that suits the conditions.

There are many styles that can keep you warm, while not weighing you down. If you feel good, you are more likely to find motivation to stay active.