
Choosing The Smartest Details for Most Efficient Health Insurance


It is not always easy to position yourself well on the complementary health care that we need. Between the many insurers and companies competing for the market, the formulas and different modules that exist by the dozen, there is indeed something to lose its Latin. Your first reflex should be to estimate your current and future health needs and consumption. supports you in this quest.

Everyone has their own health needs

Before rushing headlong into endless comparisons between different organizations, it is important to know how to better define yourself as a consumer in terms of health because each insurance company goes there today with its multitude of formulas, packages and additional modules. All to better meet the expectations of consumers and their specificities. Because if it is important to prevent the unpredictable, as much to do it in an objective and thoughtful way. Being 20 or 75 also means having different needs. You can visit for more info.


“Always plan your complementary health in a thoughtful and objective way according to your state of health and age”

Your first reflex before choosing your complementary health should therefore be to carry out a complete analysis and an estimate of your consumption of current care and for the next months. Do your general practitioner and, more generally, the health professionals you are used to consulting, for example apply excess fees? Is it worth it if necessary to pay more for a module that you may never use or very little? Are you also planning special care and / or operations in the coming months? Are they sufficiently reimbursed in the basic package or is it better to opt for a higher cover?

Finally, do you present particular health risks, in particular because of your age or present or past pathologies? These are all questions that can help you judge the price advantage or disadvantage of this or that cover. So many questions that will find different answers depending on the individual. Thus, if a long-term patient may have an interest in adding certain care modules, the person with no real pathology may be able to be satisfied with the basic formula.

The daily hospital package

All health expenses are not reimbursed by Health Insurance. Among them, there is in particular the daily hospital package. Thus, in the event of hospitalization, beyond the medical and care costs, there is always 18 euros per day, corresponding to the accommodation and maintenance costs, which are the responsibility of the patient . Depending on your level of coverage, these may or may not be covered by your complementary health, sometimes partially or completely, sometimes with a limited number of days covered. A long-term patient, required to stay more or less regularly in the hospital, therefore has every interest in being attentive to this type of condition before choosing his insurance.

Vignettes: drugs and their reimbursement

All medicines are not reimbursed at the same rate by Social Security. To distinguish them, the Health Insurance has set up different colored stickers. On the top of the step, the white and crossed-out labels mean that the medicine is 100% reimbursed. When they are white (not crossed out), care is then taken at 65%.