
The Complete Guide To Procedure For Determination Of Blood Group


We are all bloodthirsty but in our unique ways. It is generally known that blood may be categorized into several blood groups; news scrolls, as well as WhatsApp messaging, include urgent demands for a specific type of blood, and the ‘blood donor’ section on Facebook responds to inquiries that are based on blood groups. Those of us that are a participant in any social network that acts as a conduit for blood to move from one person to another are aware of the fact that there are four different blood groups (or types): A, B, AB, and O. We are also familiar with either positive or negative symbols that precede these fundamental blood types, which further separates them into eight distinct categories. To know about these blood groups, we need to have a blood group test. 


Blood group tests to know the blood type 

Your blood type is defined by the kinds of antigens that are carried on the surface of your red blood cells. 

Antigens are molecules that assist the immune system in distinguishing between its cells and those belonging to foreign, possibly harmful organisms. If your body identifies a cell as being foreign, it will actively work to eliminate it.

The ABO blood typing system classifies your blood as belonging to one of the following four categories:

  • The A type carries the A antigen.
  • The B type carries the B antigen.
  • Antigens A and B are present in an AB-type patient’s body.
  • There is no A or B antigen present in type O.

If the blood contains antigens that do not have reached your system, your body will produce antibodies against the antigens in the blood. Nevertheless, certain persons are still able to safely accept blood that is not compatible with their blood group.

As long as the blood that they acquire does not include any antigens that identify it as alien, their bodies will not attack it as a foreign invader. To know about the antigens in the blood and identity the blood group, it is necessary to have a blood group test. 

Procedure for a blood group test 

  • After the slide has been cleaned, begin by taking a glass side & marking three circles on it.
  • Start by removing the packaging from the Monoclonal Antibody (MAB) kit. Now, using a dropper, sequentially apply the anti-A, anti-B, as well as anti-D antibodies to the first, second, and third circles correspondingly.
  • Put the slide to the side in a secure location out of the way of any disturbances.
  • Clean the ring finger with one of the alcohol swabs, and afterward, gently touch the area close to the fingertip; that’s where the blood sample would be taken.
  • The ring finger should be pricked with the lancet, and then the initial drop of blood should be removed with a tissue.
  • When the blood begins to flow out, softly press down on the fingertip of one hand and let the blood fall onto the three circles just on a glass slide.
  • To stop the flow of blood, we need to apply pressure to the area that was poked.
  • If necessary, the cotton ball should be used.
  • After giving the blood sample a light stir with the assistance of a toothpick and waiting one minute before analyzing the results,

Precautions for a blood group test 

Throw away the alcohol swabs, the lancet, the cotton balls, and the toothpick after using them. After you have finished analyzing the data, place all of the components, including the glass slide, into the waste disposal unit designated for biohazards.

The ABO Blood Group System comprises the four primary blood groups as well as the eight distinct blood types that are described above. The existence or absence of two particular antibodies and antibodies, designated as A and B, is the basis for the categories.