Weight Loss

7 tips to prepare Gastric sleeve surgery



Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the ways to make you lose weight easily. It involves removing a major portion of your stomach; hence you will be operated upon the portion of your body that contains the major portion of fats in your body. You will be getting through a lot of changes, and there are many things which one has to keep in mind before and after the surgery. Getting a Gastric sleeve surgery in Las Vegasis simple, but everything comes at some cost.

Here are 9 tips before going for Gastric sleeve surgery in Las Vegas

  1. Be prepared to change your fooding habits- since you will be losing your fats; you need a good amount of proteins in your diet to keep your body at its earlier rate. Proteins are the basic providers of your energy, and since you will be losing fat, dependency on protein will increase.
  2. You will have to quit smoking– Any product containing nicotine is a big barrier in your Gastric sleeve surgery at Las Vegas. It can have some side-effects, which can be fatal.
  3. Change your wardrobe– You will be losing fat at an unexpected rate, so you need to feel this change. Clothing has a good effect on your mindset, and that is very important.
  4. Financial stability– A Gastric sleeve surgery in Las Vegascan cost you a good amount. Also, the medicines and other requirements within and after surgery can be costly, so be prepared.
  5. Water is the key– Since your stomach is going to shrink, you cannot have sweetened beverages and other liquid. This can cause a situation of diarrhea, and hence water will be your main source of hydration. A Gastric sleeve surgery needs you to have hydration for your body for the best results
  1. Learn– There are many facts about this surgery that you have to learn by yourself. Go through articles, magazines, and the internet, and get some information. This not only will help you but will show others that you are doing your best.
  1. Exercise– Surgery is not the end. You need to exercise before and after the Gastric sleeve surgery to make your body pass these changes.


If you’re ready to commit to serious and effective weight loss with sleeve gastrectomy, call Southern Nevada Bariatrics Gastric Sleeveor book your consultation online today.I hope this article helped.