
What Does Methylfolate Do for Your Body?


So what does methylfolate do for your body? What’s the big deal anyway, so why do people take it? Why are people concerned about it?

So if you are wondering this maybe you have come across the fact that you have an MTHFR gene alteration or single nucleotide polymorphism and basically some people have alteration in their ability to make the enzyme MTHFR and that leads them to not be able to create methyl folate.

So if that’s you this article is probably going to be helpful for you and deciding just why if you are kind of new to this why you would want to take it and what it’s actually doing for your body.

Now, there can be side effects from taking this.

So be sure to check out our website on methylfolate side effects. Because that can happen does happen not always but depends on your dose and lots of other stuff.

So in this article, we are going to discuss the uses of methylfolate and kind of discuss what it actually does for your body.

So what the heck does methylfolate do for the body anyways, why is it important?

So mainly I think about it in three distinct as three distinct functions and some of them have overlap too. But the first being Sammy production, which we will go into a little more detail there but it helps with the conversion of homocysteine into Sammy and then it also helps with the recycling or reusing by operon, which is needed for part neurotransmitters to be produced.

And then it also has a separate function to help with DNA base pairs their formation and supporting support of DNA repair.

Sammy mainland is one of the main donors of the methyl group – too many methyltransferases’ enzymes.

So enzymes are basically proteins that help our body or assist our body in performing different reactions.

So, you know as a analogy, you know some plastic here and then you get cups on the other end.

Well in between the machine is what’s making the peplum turning that plastic into the cups.

So the machine is like the enzyme. So, methyltransferases actually help transfer the methyl group to other molecules.

So it’s very biologically active substance though the methyl group and this is an example of the methyl group.

It’s basically ch3 which that I have an equal sign there and so carbon and then three hydrogen’s and then it’s bound on to whatever molecule it might be like Sammy for instance into that Sam Inc.

And then with the help of the methyl transferase enzymes donate that mouth to other things.

So in the process of doing that it may help your body produce creating for instance, which is very important for energy production and recycling quickly or energy when you are sort of at the anaerobic threshold.

So, you are running for a long time.

We are doing a single rep max on the bench Bratman squat and creatine kicks in and produces energy very quickly and that’s important for brain function and of course muscle function, but it’s happening all over our bodies all the time.

We just don’t know about it.

So, if you don’t have enough methylfolate, you know have enough Sammy and you won’t be able to make sufficient amount of creatine could lead to you know, fatigue and things like that also with cell membrane production.

So, it helps with the production of phospholipids.

So, all of our cells are made up of basically a fatty outer surface a 3-dimensional kind of ball, you can think of it like a marble but it’s basically thousands of these little circles that make up that and that’s a phospholipid.

Sammy helps with phosphatidyl ethanolamine methyl transferase and it’s the cofactor for that methyl transferase enzyme. So if you don’t have enough methylfolate, you are not going to be able to produce your cell membranes efficiently, which could affect your ability to recover from injured tissue, some kind of injury or tissue damage. This is part of the reason that would slow recovery and then there’s also DNA methyl transferases that helps with the DNA repair and things like that.

So methylfolate, it’s involved with that as well.