
Sativa vs. Indica: What to Expect Across Cannabis Types and Strains


Cannabis derivatives from sativa and indica plants are widely used for both medical and recreational purposes. Sativa is known for its energizing and uplifting effects, making it suitable for daytime use, as it may enhance focus and reduce anxiety. In contrast, India is valued for its calming and relaxing properties, often used to relieve pain, reduce nausea, and improve sleep quality. It is typically consumed in the evening or before bed due to its sedative effects. Together, these two types of cannabis cater to a range of needs, from boosting energy to promoting deep relaxation and sleep. Check this also markham weed delivery

Basics of weed:

Type I: High THC

Type II: THC/CBD combined

Type III: High CBD

The cannabis market is slowly phasing out ‘strains’ and adopting chemovars (chemical varieties).

Understanding the effects of strain requires the following considerations:

1.     Cannabinoids:

Marijuana is made up of dozens of chemical substances known as cannabinoids. These endogenous cannabinoids are assumed to be capable of producing most of the effects, beneficial or detrimental, that have been associated with the use of cannabis. Cannabinoids, particularly the psychoactive and most widespread essential phytocannabinoids; are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

2.     Terpenes:

There are other chemical compounds present in the cannabis plant as terpenes, which also may affect the impact that certain types create.

3.     Sativa in-depth:

  • Origin: Cannabis sativa type of marijuana grows well in warm and arid regions such as Africa, Central America, South East Asia, and the western part of Asia.
  • Plant Description: Tall and slender with finger-like appendages; can reach up to 6 ft (2m); longer days to maturity.
  • CBD-THC Ratio: Generally lower cannabidiol levels than CBD and high tetrahydrocannabinol than indica.
  • Effects: Recognized for the mental stimulation and the so-called ‘head rush’ which may potentially alleviate anxiety.
  • Usage: Used mainly during the day as it has alerting effects.
  • Popular Strains: There are differences according to the type of Cannabis strain.

4.     Indica in-depth:

  • Origin: Originally from Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey it developed to survive the Hindu Kush climate.
  • Plant Description: Compact and sturdy, yielding a thick green mass of leaves of wide blades; longer days for growth and tasty buds than sativa.
  • CBD-THC Ratio: Frequently higher CBD concentrations, although the THC concentration is hardly lower either.
  • Effects: Popular among cancer patients, may cause concentration and relaxation, and improve feelings of nausea pain, and appetite.
  • Usage: Commonly taken at night because of the soothing impact it has on the body.

5.     Hybrid in-depth:

Detailed on hybrids: Grown from sativa and indica combinations, hybrids are bred for particular effects. The parent plants have different looks. Different CBD-THC ratios often favor stronger THC. Benefits include reducing symptoms of chemotherapy and relieving stress. Use is determined by dominant characteristics; strains might be balanced, sativa-dominant, or indica-dominant.

6.     Ruderalis:

Ruderalis Native to severe areas such as Siberia and Eastern Europe, Cannabis ruderalis grows swiftly to a height of around 12 inches in cold, low light. Despite having more CBD than THC, it doesn’t have any noticeable effects. Because of its benefits for rapid growth, farmers frequently breed it with other strains.