
Providing First Aid While Venous and Capillary Bleeding


Venous bleeding occurs when the walls of the veins are damaged and differs in that dark blood flows out of the wound in a slow continuous stream. Erste-Hilfe Kurs München gives guidance for the first aid: to give an elevated position of the limb, apply a pressure bandage, bend the limbs at the joint as much as possible. 

In case of severe venous bleeding, sandienst tells to press the damaged vessel to the bone 5–8 cm below the wound. In case of severe bleeding from the veins of the lower extremities, there is a real danger of embolism (air, fat/tissue particles entering the vein and carrying them into the lungs, brain, etc.). Therefore, a pressure bandage should be immediately applied to the wound.

Aid in case of capillary bleeding

Capillary bleeding is a consequence of damage to the smallest blood vessels (capillaries), the entire wound surface bleeds. Ehrenamt sanitätsdienst provides the first aid: Apply a pressure bandage. Apply a bandage (gauze) to the bleeding area, you can use a clean handkerchief.

Actions for internal bleeding:

  • call an ambulance as quickly as possible;
  • assess the situation and provide a safe environment for first aid;
  • create complete rest for the patient or victim;
  • put cold on the area of ​​the alleged source of bleeding (a bubble with ice or snow, cold water);
  • it is possible to put the victim on his back with raised legs to improve the blood supply to the brain.

Bleeding can be not only external but also internal. Sanitäter bei veranstaltungen tells how it is possible to suspect internal bleeding if the circumstances of the incident are known and the victim is first agitated, then becomes inhibited, pale. Cold, clammy sweat may be released, and breathing may become rapid and shallow.