
Orthodontics – A Bite Correction


Everyone knows that external signs meet a person, and the first impression develops in a few seconds. A smile tells a lot about a person, and the look is laid off instantly in memory.

Unfortunately, not all people have perfect teeth, they do not always stand in line with the rest of the teeth, the bite does not correspond to the norm, and other pathology are found. Beautiful and healthy teeth are nowadays a positive sign, a sign of success and well-being.

Causes of Orthodontic Disorders

l  Hereditary factor:

A particular type of jaw growth is laid before birth and is realized during the period of active skeleton growth. In some cases, this can lead to malocclusion.

l  Insufficient chewing load:

If a child eats mostly soft foods, his jaws do not receive an impulse to develop. When permanent teeth begin to erupt, they do not fit into the underdeveloped jaw. The ideal simulator is solid food: apples, carrots, crackers, drying, piece of meat.

l  Premature tooth loss:

If the milk tooth is removed prematurely, the surrounding teeth begin to move, taking place “reserved” for the permanent tooth. This leads to the uneven dentition. The same situation occurs in an adult when a permanent tooth (especially several teeth) is removed: the neighbouring teeth begin to move to compensate for the emptiness in the dentition.

l  Metal Bracket Systems:

There are two main types of bracket systems: vestibular and lingual.

  • Vestibular braces:

This system is attached to the external (vestibular) part of the tooth and is quite noticeable. The only minus is the aesthetic appearance, but at the same time, they are cheaper compared to other systems.

  • Lingual braces:

The lingual braces method is relatively new in orthodontics and a bit famous in Parramatta. The system is installed from the internal (lingual) part of the tooth and is invisible when smiling. The cost of lingual braces is more than vestibular.

  • Ligature braces:

This type of system moves teeth using thin wires intertwined uniquely. This system is found only on vestibular braces.

  • Non-stick braces:

The ligatureless system works on a different principle: the arc is fastened with the help of small locks. This system is more comfortable for the patient and more aesthetic.

  • Ceramic Bracket Systems:

One of the main advantages of ceramic braces is their appearance. Such braces are more aesthetic and more comfortable than metal braces, as they are inconspicuous. This feature justifies their cost.

The ceramic braces system is suitable for those patients who want a beautiful smile and do not draw attention to the very fact of bite treatment. Other features of ceramic braces are their matte structure. The most inconspicuous analogues of a ceramic bracket system are sapphire braces. Their advantage is that they come in different colours: the colour of the tooth enamel of the patient or transparent.

The installation of ceramic braces in Parramatta is recommended for people who are allergic and sensitive to metals. Ceramic braces require more gentle care than metal braces, so solid foods should be excluded from the diet. Treatment with ceramic braces takes longer than metal braces.