
Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Neurology 


Erectile dysfunction, often known as ED, is a widespread sexual dysfunction that affects around 30 million men in the United States alone. If you have erectile dysfunction, it may be difficult to generate or maintain an adequate hard erection for sex.

Alternatively, you may be able to obtain an erection but not consistently enough to have sex when you want to. ED may be caused by several circumstances, ranging from cardiovascular health to psychological concerns such as sexual performance anxiety.

Problems with your neurological system may sometimes influence your sexual function and create or aggravate erectile dysfunction. This form of erectile dysfunction is known as neurogenic erectile dysfunction  like Medicine Cenforce 100.

In the sections below, we’ve spoken about how ED develops and how neurological variables might impact your erectile function and sexual performance. We’ve also looked at the current therapy options for erectile dysfunction, including ED caused by or connected to neurological issues.

What is Neurological ED?

In the context of erectile dysfunction, any condition in which the neural system interferes with the ability to perform sexual functions is considered to be neurological erectile dysfunction (ED). This is because before and during sex before taking Tadalafil  Vidalista 20, your nervous system plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining an erection.

Stimulation and arousal are the precursors of erections. Arousal from physical touch or sexual images activates the erectile tissue inside your penis, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Blood flow into the penis is increased by these electrical impulses expanding the blood capillaries that feed it.

An erection’s size and hardness may be attributed to this blood. The tunica albuginea, a fibrous membrane, contracts as blood continues to flow into your penis, keeping the blood within the tissue and enabling you to have intercourse. Several factors play a role in this procedure:

  • An increase in sex drive.
  • A steady supply of blood
  • a healthy functioning nerve system

If your neurological system is compromised, you may not achieve and maintain an erection.

What Causes Neurological Erectile Dysfunction?

Injuries or surgeries to the nervous system and neurological diseases that affect the nerves in specific areas may lead to neurological erectile dysfunction. The following are common contributors of neurological ED:

  • Disruption of the nervous system Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and anejaculation are common in patients who have suffered impairments to the neurological system, such as spinal cord injuries (inability to ejaculate). Most of the time, these problems will pass. According to studies, most men with spinal cord injuries regain some erectile function within two years.
  • Prosthetic or bladder surgery: The nerves and blood arteries around the penis may be damaged during specific surgical treatments for prostate or bladder cancer, leading to erectile dysfunction. After undergoing this sort of surgery, many men report that their erection quality and sexual performance improve over time.
  • A condition known as diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage due to diabetes): Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve injury that may occur if diabetes is not well managed or handled inconsistently. Erectile dysfunction is linked to poorly controlled diabetes, according to research. Neuropathy-induced erectile dysfunction affects roughly 40% to 50% of men with diabetes.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS): The central nervous system is harmed by MS, which leads to irreversible nerve loss. Erectile dysfunction may arise as a result of this nerve injury. Medications used to treat multiple sclerosis symptoms may lead to ED in certain circumstances.
  • Parkinson’s disease, or PD: Parkinson’s disease, which gradually affects the neurological system, is known to cause erectile dysfunction in its victims. Men with Parkinson’s disease are also more likely to have sexual difficulties, such as lacking sexual desire and trouble achieving orgasm.
  • Epilepsy: Erectile dysfunction may occur in males who have epilepsy. However, this is not always the case. Sex hormones like testosterone and prolactin, which play a role in sexual desire and erection, may be affected by epileptic discharges.
  • There are various neurological reasons for this: Heavy metal toxicity and alcoholism are two more possible reasons for neurological ED since they may impact nerve tissue throughout your body. According to research, if you have neurological ED symptoms, you may be influenced by more than one issue.

Other Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction may be caused or exacerbated by various factors, including neurological disorders. In addition, ED may be caused by a variety of other factors, including:

  • The dangers of cardiovascular disease: Erectile dysfunction is often associated with cardiovascular health conditions such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), high blood pressure, heart and blood vessel disease, and more.
  • Scarring and physical damage: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is commonly a result of penile or pelvic injury. Erectile dysfunction may be exacerbated or made worse by disorders that leave scars, such as Peyronie’s disease.
  • Medications: Medication for depression, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and androgen-related health problems might aggravate or induce erectile dysfunction.
  • Psychiatric problems: Depression, anxiety, and other forms of chronic stress, as well as persistent feelings of shame or poor self-esteem, are all common contributing factors to ED.
  • Habits and other aspects of daily living: If you regularly consume substantial amounts of alcohol, smoke, are obese or physically inactive, or use illegal substances, your chance of getting ED may be increased.

Treatment for ED varies depending on the underlying reason. Sex performance may be improved by talking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction and learning about the many causes and treatments that are out there.

Symptoms of Neurological ED

Neurological erectile dysfunction, like ED caused by poor cardiovascular health or psychological disorders, may range in severity. Neurological erectile dysfunction may be treated with:

  • Get an erection challenging or impossible whenever you want?
  • The ability to erratically acquire an erection, but the inability to maintain it long enough for sex
  • If you’re not consistent enough, you won’t obtain an erection at all times.