
Battle Against An Unseen Pandemic – COVID-19


Today, people are confined to the four walls of their homes, witnessing a Pandemic never seen before. The COVID-19 disease as named by the World Health Organization (WHO) is a viral respiratory disease caused by the Corona Virus, originated in Wuhan, China.

It has had its global outbreak and has so far affected 215 countries or territories, infecting more than 3 Million people, globally. It is a highly communicable disease and therefore, it is advised to keep the necessary precautions at bay.

Covering your mouth and nose with a respiratory mask to avoid the further spread of the virus or for that matter any other bacteria or germs has become of utmost importance.

You can now buy face masks in bulk to ensure your safety and the safety of your entire community. Custom Earth Promos founded in 2009 is a sustainable marketing company known for its customized eco-friendly products. During this difficult time amidst the pandemic, they are now selling easy to wear, lightweight, comfortable and highly protective respiratory masks on their website.

Symptoms of COVID-19

The Corona virus, affects different people in different ways. Some might get hospitalized whereas the others might recover at home and avoid its further spread by doing what is necessary. Children and elderly are highly vulnerable to it. Symptoms are usually visible 2-14 days from contact with the virus.

  • Common Symptoms
  • Sore Throat
  • Mild Fever getting worse over time.
  • Headache
  • Muscle Pain
  • Uncommon Symptoms
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of Taste
  • An itch or rash
  • Loss of smell
  • Severe Symptoms
  • Shortness of breathe
  • Chest Pain
  • Loss of Speech

In Case You Feel Sick

  • Identify Symptoms & Seek Help – Call your local health care provider or check to see if it is COVID-19 or Flu or Allergies. Get a COVID-19 test, just in case. Get the necessary treatment as suggested by the doctor.
  • Completely self-isolate – Do not have any kind of physical contact with your family or friends. Do not share food or any other items of current usage with anyone.
  • Do not leave your house – Do not go outside unless you need to go to the doctor, since you may cause a further spread.
  • Continuously Monitor Health – Check to see if you develop further symptoms or the previous symptoms continue to worsen. In that case, seek the necessary help.
  • Practical Hygiene – Wash your hands thoroughly, multiple times a day and make sure the items that you use on a daily basis are meticulously sanitized. Sneeze or cough into your elbow or with the help of a tissue and discard immediately. Do not touch unsanitary/dirty surfaces. Wear a mask in case you leave your home to seek medical care.
  • Stay Calm-Mental Health is as equally important as physical health. Do not panic. There is an entire army of doctors and nurses working towards COVID-19. Help is one call away.


There isn’t any particular cure to the Novel Coronavirus yet. So it is best advised to stay at home and take all necessary precautions. It is a global crisis that needs a lot of co-operation and necessary measures to be resolved. Practice, Social Distancing, anywhere and everywhere you go.