
Creating a Better World – The Farmer and the King


Recently I was searching for a local therapist near me. I found none that were open for business. None of them had switched the telephone conference calls to help clients. What a waste?

A therapist should always be available and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have a professional obligation to meet each client where they are at in their lives. If a therapist does not know or understand the client, it is not their place to act as their therapist. They are merely an adviser; a sounding board for inspiration, consultation or answers.

Therapists have a professional obligation to the art of psychotherapy.

Antherapist has a professional obligation to the art of psychotherapy.

The first therapist should be able to understand and answer the client’s questions. A therapist is not an interpreter of words from a client, but is a healer of the soul. The client has a right to a therapist that has time for him in order to spend with him in a comfortable environment.

The therapist has a professional obligation to serve his client with honesty and truth in a timely fashion.

The client is not at the pleasure of the therapist; he has a right to a therapist who does not make the process more difficult.

The client is entitled to find a suitable therapist with whom to work. The best possible therapist should be able to be contacted and made available within 24 hours. A therapist should not charge more than the average cost of therapy.

The therapy should be done in a comfortable setting. He should take the client where they want to be, and get there. The client has a right to a good experience. The client should know the likely success rates of the therapy and be able to verify this information himself.

The client should be able to contact the therapist should the therapist be moved or sick.

The client has a right to a follow-up session. No second opinion should be required; the second opinion should be left to the second therapist who is trained and willing to give the client another opportunity to cure himself.

The client should have enough time for his business and personal lives. The client should not need to rush his therapy to meet an appointment. The client has a right to decide how much time the therapist spends with him in any given appointment. A therapist should treat the client in the same way the client would want to be treated.

The client has a right to be left alone when the therapy session is over. This includes the right to be left in peace during the break. The client has a right to have his work done during the break. The therapist is obligated to provide the best possible therapy the client can choose. The therapy should fit with the client’s interests. A therapist should tailor therapy to the client’s preferences.

The client has the right to refuse any therapy and to refuse treatment. There is no obligation to continue the therapy. Should a client choose not to continue therapy, he has a right to leave the therapy without any guilt. A therapist should respect the client’s decision.

In the book, “The Power of Tao” by Tao Te Ching, the fifth chapter is titled “The Ten Ways.” The chapter discusses choices and choices in life. In the chapter, the author speaks about choices and choices in life. In this chapter, the author speaks about “the ten ways” to choose a therapist, and in particular, the first four ways to choose a therapist. The first four ways to choose a therapist should correspond to the areas in which a client has an issue in therapy, such as self-esteem, relationships, or finances. The sixth and final way to choose a therapist should relate to the client’s goals in therapy. The eighth and final way to choose a therapist should be the client’s need for freedom.

By working through each of the first four ways to choose a therapist, the client can gradually increase his or her confidence level, comfort level and trust in the process. By increasing the client’s confidence level and comfort level, the client will be more willing to explore new interests and possibilities. The client will then be ready to move forward to the section of the book, “The ten ways.”

In this section, the author talks about the client’s goals in therapy and includes a list of exercises for the client to complete to get started. The author also includes a list of books and films that the client should watch to continue to grow as a person. Finally, the author includes a section on freedom. This is an optional section that includes tips on how to be free of a relationship and life.

I highly recommend that you read through the book and use the exercise to get started on your journey to personal growth. If you prefer to read, the author has provided a list of films below.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the man behind the power of Tao, offers many exercises in his book, “The Power of Tao.” The author offers exercises for topics like getting unstuck, having direction and purpose, and dealing with adversity. Csikszentmihalyi was personally involved with the subjects of fear, doubt, anxiety, and doubt, and is very clear in his message that these challenges represent opportunity. In a session with Csikszentmihalyi, Dr. Ryan McMaken asks the question of whether Csikszentmihalyi’s exercises would work on anyone. Csikszentmihalyi explains that any worthwhile program would change the way a person thinks, the way a person feels about themselves, and the way a person views the world. Csikszentmihalyi encourages individuals to record their sessions and reflect on the changes they feel they have experienced in their lives. The exercises include “The Power of Tao,” a narrative method, free association, and guided visualization.

What is your response when you face adversity? Do you know what to do? Do you know how to deal with the subject? It is quite easy to get stuck in fear-based beliefs when adversity strikes. However, not knowing how to deal with the subject is fear-based in its entirety. Fear based individuals are unable to deal with the reality of the situation because they are stuck in the old reality. When the subject comes up in conversation, fear-based individuals often respond with “I don’t know,” “I can’t imagine how I would respond,” or “I’d have to think about it.” While these responses can create a temporary block in the conversation, they are not an effective way to handle the topic.

To effectively deal with the subject, fear-based individuals need to get out of their own heads. This is where the power of Tao comes into play. Tao Te Ching, the ancient Chinese text on the power of Tao, tells the story of a farmer who goes to the mountains to water his crops. He doesn’t see a beam of light and thinks the beams are spears pointing at him. They’re beams of light pointing out from a stone basin he’s filling with water. That makes him smile because his daughter is doing the same thing, though she sees only the “illusions” that are in his mind. The farmer fills the stones with water and leaves, only to return to find his daughter has called out to him in the night to help her. The farmer fills the basin with water again and leaves, this time to return the king. He asks the king to fill the basin with water himself. The king refuses, reasoning with the farmer that with “his” people starving, he shouldn’t need to help. That’s when the farmer asks the king, “What makes you think you and your people’ people are starving?,” and shooing the king to go back to the city to do something.

The farmer goes home and fills the basin, and sees his daughter smiling at him in the mirror. That’s when his daughter says, “We’re all right.” He returns home to find the king gone. The farmer sees his daughter in the mirror and, despite the farmer’s efforts to prevent it, cries. The farmer returns home and, unable to find his daughter, doesn’t know where to look.

At that moment, an old man comes to the farmer and, without ceremony, says, “Let’s fill the stone basin with wine!” The farmer, for some reason, is reluctant. At that moment, the old man says, “If you fill the stone basin with wine, you’ll see what will be” and the farmer sees “an enchanted world with smiling people in it.” The farmer allows the old man to do what he wants.

In the enchanted world, the king sits on a throne and the farmer and others sit on thrones. People sit on thrones and the king plays the part of a shepherd. A crowd of people shouts suggestions and the king counters with suggestions. At the end, everyone sings a hymn and the crowd applauds.

To create this world, the farmer needed knowledge of the world of people. The king needed wisdom to know how to use wisdom. To create the enchanted world, the king needed love to love. The farmer needed kindness to know how to practice kindness. The crowd needed laughter to feel joyful. The kingdom needed beauty to see beautiful. And, everyone needed wine to fill the basin of the enchanted world, with people.