
Women Can Benefit From Osteopathy during Pregnancy


If you are pregnant, you will be experiencing in your skin a miraculous torrent of changes that your body undergoes. However, physical changes, new sensations, emotions, and fears of new situations are very normal. Throughout this process, you will have at your disposal a group of professionals who will help and accompany you. Gynecologists will check that everything develops normally. They can also help you solve many of your doubts. Today I would like to explain how your osteopath can accompany you in this process, favoring the adaptations that your body is experiencing. Finding an osteopath who treats pregnancy issues is not difficult.

How do Osteopathy do it?

Thanks to the changes that your whole body is experiencing, the baby can develop normally and grow inside your womb. During pregnancy, all women go through different phases. Your osteopath can help you in each of them to facilitate a better adaptation to these changes. All aspects of motherhood are feminist issues.

Here are few reasons why you should not forget to visit your osteopath during pregnancy:

  1. Osteopaths accompany us in musculoskeletal and structural changes. The global vision of health and the wide variety of available techniques allows us to help the body optimize its structural (musculoskeletal) and physiological functioning. Before you get pregnant, you may already have back pain or discomfort in other areas of your body. Sometimes, the posture alterations are already present before the pregnancy, but they had not given you discomfort. With pregnancy, the discomfort can start because your spine and pelvis are forced to adopt new shapes. In addition, if there were previous tensions, it is still easier for you to feel uncomfortable or for the pain to appear.
  2. They assess and treat the diaphragms. In pregnant women, it is common to find fluid accumulation problems in the form of congestion. This is evident in the extremities, especially during the last months of pregnancy. The pressure exerted by the baby on the pelvis and chest has a lot to do with this congestive state. To solve this issue, Osteopathy checks the mobility of the pelvic and thoracic diaphragms and, if necessary, treats them. This can help reduce pressure problems and discomfort.
  3. They assess and treat the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a set of muscular-ligamentous structures that line the pelvic floor. Sometimes when this pelvic floor is very tight or does not expand enough, there is a risk of tearing these structures. To avoid these problems, it is sometimes necessary for the medical team to perform an episiotomy. The episiotomy is a controlled cut of the pelvic floor that facilitates the baby’s exit, avoiding the problems that would occur in an uncontrolled tear.
  4. They promote a state of relaxation that can help you connect with your baby. In the osteopathy session, you and your baby are the only protagonists. Therefore, it is a relaxing time for you and him. Also, it allows you to experience the recognition of your body and body awareness.