
The Better Predictive Solution In Medical Diagnosis Due To Companies Like Chronolife


Chronolife is bringing world-class wearable health devices which are not only innovative but also the best in the market. The medical solutions provided and invented by chronolife are being used for better disease diagnosis of patients. The essential data which can be collected by Artificial Intelligence helps in better understanding the disease patterns by doctors.

The company Chronolife is based in Paris and its technology focuses mostly revolves around artificial intelligence. The smart t-shirt they invented which is called Keesense has obtained a class 2-A certification of EU. The t-shirt breaks all notions of discomfort and is also periodically washable. The t-shirt sends insightful health data to a mobile application by Bluetooth technology.

The best features of Keesense

The constant monitoring provided by the smart t-shirt of chronolife protects the health of the patient like no other technology. The CE class 2-A product offers a predictive solution that is trusted and respected by doctors across several countries. The smart t-shirt is equipped to monitor several health parameters constantly.

The medical data is also stored in a personalized healthcare server system so there is no chance of data loss. The doctors can analyze the data on a customized web interface in the process end.

The other extraordinary features of the Keesense technology can be pointed as:

  • Ambulatory care
  • Therapeutic efficiency programs
  • Remote care
  • Post-acute care process
  • Preventative care

The country distribution of chronolife

The CEO of chronolife, Mr. Laurent vandebrouck Stated that the predictive solution which is groundbreaking will be launched in other European countries like Germany, France, and Nordic countries. The countries where the modern medical technologies will be used need to advanced in knowledge in the infrastructure of the healthcare system. The basic purpose of the products of chronolife is to monitor the patients remotely with less complicated scenarios for the patient.

There exists some chronic diseases in the world in which constant monitoring is required but the person will not be feeling constantly sick. Situations like these keep the patient in hospital care enough though it’s unnecessary. Technologies like Keesense come up as the best solution for the patients which chronic diseases of heart, pulmonary disorders, and even sleep disorders.

Direct consumer

The company chronolife does not sell its products directly to the patients. They hand it to pharma companies and med-tech companies that provide health services and therapeutic programs. This remote monitoring keeps the hospital queues in check and develops a better healthcare system.

Predigma technology

The chronolife company is reputed for its phenomenal product which is called as predigma. The device is registered as a CE class 2-B healthcare product that has premium features. Like their other extraordinary products, predigma is also a wearable device.

The gadget monitors the heart condition constantly for any kind of deterioration and informs the doctor through smart transmission. The constant monitoring is capable of saving several lives. Chronolife is focused on developing a new system for medical treatment by remotely studying the patients.


The gadgets of predictive solution are life-saving equipment which is respected by healthcare workers every day. The remote monitoring system can be considered as the future of medical diagnosis systems. The monitoring efficiency and its features are enough to provide an edge over other systems existing today.