
How to Look Younger


Taking good care of yourself can make a massive difference if you want to slow down the ticking clock of ageing. But it’s pretty hard to undo what genetic, time and bad habits — such as sun-worshipping and smoking — hath wrought. However, cosmetic surgery is an investment and it makes a difference if you’re willing to have it. If you are considering it, here are some tips to help you.

Consider Why You Want to Have a Cosmetic Surgery

Even though plastic surgery becomes relatively routine and the post-operative recovery time shrinks, going under a plastic surgeon’s knife is a big deal. Professionals often encourage cosmetic surgery patients to think carefully about their surgical expectations and why they are doing it.

Look for an Excellent Cosmetic Surgeon

To start looking for an excellent cosmetic surgeon, ask for recommendations from friends who have experienced cosmetic surgery abroad or locally. Or, ask your dermatologist or general practitioner. The right surgeon should be able to recommend the proper procedures to get the most natural results.

Familiarize Yourself With the Options

For patients looking to for more facial repair effects than skin fillers can provide, the best approach may be facial treatment, such as facelift, eye lifts or brow lifts. Going for a facelift is a decision you should make after consulting your doctor and it is vital to get the proper medical advice before committing to this surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all affair. Usually, many steps can be used alone or in combination to combat the signs of ageing, including:

  • Eyelid surgery: For treating drooping eyelids, swelling under and around the eyes
  • Browlift/Forehead lift: This step lifts the skin on the forehead and face to correct deep wrinkles, thick brows and frown lines
  • Facelift: This is the most extensive surgical procedure that minimizes frown lines and sagging of the face and neck, as well as the double chin that can develop with age

Have the Right Expectation

Do not expect miracles. Cosmetic surgery can mainly make you look fresher and more vibrant. It can make a difference if you are tired of people saying you look tired.

As you age, the facial muscles relax and the skin becomes less elastic, which leads to frown lines. This can happen regardless of your age if you have lost too much weight recently. The restoration of the skin cannot be left alone to nature. Physicians must sometimes help Mother Nature to rejuvenate the skin of your face with facial care procedures so that your face remains natural and healthy.

For more information on facial surgery and treatments, including before and after photos, visit the tips and advice section on