
Chlamydia Test: Symptoms of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia


Is easy when you know what to do. Newer tests, known as NAATs (also short for nucleic acid amplification tests), are now very simple and accurate to take. Your health care provider may tell you what test options are available (urinal swab or urinalysis).

If you already have a positive or verified case of chlamydia, it is important that you take an active role in preventing a secondary spread by getting tested and treated. This is especially true if you are having multiple sex partners. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Unprotected sexual contact can lead to infection. In women, an uncircumcised man can also pass the infection to a female partner during intercourse.

Testing for chlamydia requires an overnight visit to your healthcare provider. A sample of your urine or saliva will be collected and sent to the testing laboratory. During your appointment, your healthcare provider will collect the samples. They will then examine the samples under the microscope. The results of the examination can usually be received within one to three business days. Your healthcare provider will report the results to your doctor. You can get more detailed information at Canada Home Testing.

Once the testing laboratory receives the testing results, they will write a report to your doctor. The results will include the testing details, along with the results of the urine and saliva samples. The health care provider will provide you with copies of these reports. Depending on the type of chlamydia test that was performed, the reports may be mailed to you. Alternatively, you may receive a phone call asking you to return to the testing facility. Either way, you will be notified of the results of your testing.

If you think you are going to get tested for chlamydia, it is important that you get tested as soon as possible. Being tested early can help prevent serious health problems from occurring. Since most cases of this disease are not detectable by a routine exam, you should visit a sexually transmitted disease clinic at once in order to get tested for chlamydia.

Because gonorrhea and Chlamydia are both sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it is important that you have one or the other checked out in order to avoid infecting a partner during sex. Unfortunately, detecting either chlamydia test results early can mean the difference between life and death. In the best case scenario, if you detect either gonorrhea or Chlamydia early on, you will not have to go through any medical treatments in order to prevent spreading the disease to a partner. Unfortunately, many people do not detect their infections until they are significantly infected. With that in mind, it is imperative that you detect your symptoms so that you can avoid infecting a partner.